26.03.2020 • 

Nate slammed the garage door shut with a loud bang—hopefully loud enough for Granddad to hear from inside the house. Nate was angry, angry at his parents for abandoning him at this house during his vacation, angry for having to spend a beautiful sunny day clearing out a dark and damp garage.

Nate was annoyed because he was stuck at Granddad’s house, and he longed to hang out at the beautiful park and play baseball with the other kids his age. He surveyed the boxes gloomily, considering where to begin. He pried open a filthy plastic container, and inside he found measuring spoons, duct tape, and crumpled file folders. Rubbish, Nate thought to himself, as he tossed it into a garbage bag.

How is the park different from the garage, to Nate?

A) The park is wet; the garage is dry.
B) The park is close; the garage is far.
C) The park is dangerous; the garage is safe.
D) The park is beautiful; the garage is dirty.

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