19.06.2021 • 

No, Martha thought. Now he had found a different amusement. "How big a change do I have to make?" she
asked, "What will please you and cause you to let me go
and not bring in someone else to replace me?"
"I don't know," God said, and he smiled. He rested his
head back against the tree. "Because I don't know what
you will do. That's a lovely sensation-anticipating, not
"Not from my point of view," Martha said bitterly. After a
while, she said in a different tone, "Definitely not from
my point of view. Because I don't know what to do. I
really don't."
"You write stories for a living," God said. "You create
characters and situations, problems and solutions. That's
less than I've given you to do."
"But you want me to tamper with real people. I don't
want do that. I'm afraid I'll make some horrible mistake."

Why does Martha most likely decide to change
people's dreams rather than limit their abilities?

O She is frustrated with the idea of God continuing to
toy with humanity. O She thinks God is more interested in psychological
O She knows how to change the way people think
because she is a writer.
O She wants a change that is meaningful without
drastically altering individuals.

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