21.09.2021 • 

On pages 189-190, in the book If I Stay, Mia's father was in a band, and wrote a song called Waiting for Vengeance. While physically unconscious in the hospital, Mia sings the songs to herself and thinks about how the lyrics apply to her at this point in her life. Below are the lyrics to the song used in the book. Read and analyze each stanza (group of lines) for connections to the plot. How does this song represent what Mia is going through or the choice she has to make? Replace the red lines with notes and connections between Mia and the song (there is an empty line after all the major connections to make), then answer the questions below using complete sentences. Waiting for Vengeance
by Oswald Five-O
Well, what is this? 1
What am I coming to?
And beyond that, what am I going to do?
Now there's blankness
Where once your eyes held the light 5
But that was so long ago
That was last night

Well, what was that?
What's the sound I hear?
It's just my lifetime 10
It's whistling past my ear
And when I look back
Everything seems smaller than life
The way it's been for so long
Since last night 15

Now I'm leaving
Any moment I'll be gone
I think you'll notice
I think you'll wonder what went wrong
I'm not choosing 20
But I'm running out of fight
And this was decided so long ago
It was last night 23

1. While Mia is thinking about this song, she thinks of all the memories attached to it. What is a theme from the book that this supports?

2. In 5 sentences, how does this song connect to Mia and the events of her life right now? Use evidence from the book and the song to support your response.

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