29.06.2020 • 

One of the most chilling aspects of “The Cask of Amontillado” is that Montresor, from the beginning, makes clear to the reader his belief that he is completely justified in his horrific actions. This story is not an admission of guilt, but rather, a proud justification of a crime he has committed. Your assignment is to write a speech on behalf of Montresor to defend his actions in a court of law. Montresor believes he is innocent of all guilt. What do you think he would say to a jury? Poe does not reveal the nature of Fortunato’s insult to Montresor, only that Montresor has been insulted. You will have to fill in the rest.

Write from Montresor’s point of view in the first person. Use quotes and details from the text to support your argument.

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