17.03.2021 • 

One sunny day in the land of Het would take some of the children in the
profession. All of us in the village
as our dream to one day live in the city
Little did we know that the man who are liste
ritualist who used the blood and heads of innocent children like us to
make money.
We were all blinded by his wealth since he showered our parents with gifts such as clothes, foot wears and many more which to
happy. Everybody in the village was convinced that the man was a good man and so most parents handed the children to him to send to the city.
Unlike other parents, thy parents, especially my mother did not want me to go with him. I was very sad and so went to interne
my parents on my behalf and I was subsequently allowed to follow Dongo.
We had packed all our items and had agreed to leave for the thy
day. That night I overheard Dongo talk to mene on the phone
human sacrifice. Immediately, I ran out to inform my parents about it.
I didn't know what happened next but my father wold me to
instead go with Dongo.
Finally, the time was due to start the journey I woke by die
bus parked at the village centre square and all the children het toe
on. We got on and off we left. On our way, we got to this scary forest and
the bus stopped. Dongo ordered all of us to get down. He goes
knife to kill us when suddenly the chiefs guards appeared to catch
He was handed over to the police and we were sent back home the
gongong was beaten and I was awarded for exposing Dong.

summarize the passage in 5 sentence​

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