12.07.2019 • 

.part 1/2 newsela; article title: the avocado's journey from megafauna to guacamole; author: none; pages: none given. identify the lie about research, writing, and plagiarism. a.the proper in-text citation for this source would look like this: (the avocado's journey). b.a proper in-text citation for this source would look like this: (newsela). c.a proper in-text citation for this source would look like this: (no author, p. 1). d.a proper in-text citation for this source would look like this: (newsela the avocado). 2. identify the lie about research, writing, and plagiarism. a.the plagiarism issue is getting blown out of proportion. b.plagiarism is a serious problem, not a harmless one. c.plagiarism is a problem in the professional world - not only among students. d.plagiarism is a growing problem. 3. identify the lie about research, writing, and plagiarism. a.using direct quotes from credible sources gives you an authoritative, knowledgeable writing voice. b.summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but the difference is that summarizing is shorter. c.if you don't know how to cite research you should use a citation engine.'s not acceptable to fill your essay with numerous direct quotes. it should be mostly your own writing. 4. identify the lie about research, writing, and plagiarism. can be kicked out of a university for plagiarism. b.your teacher will most likely understand why you plagiarized because everyone has done it. can fail a class for plagiarism a paper. d.plagiarism ruins people's reputations. 5. identify the lie about research, writing, and plagiarism. a.if you don't understand the information you are trying to paraphrase, you should just try your best. b.after citing the source, you should always double-check it with the original to make sure they are not too similar.'s a good idea to talk the source information over with a partner before trying to type your paraphrase. d.when citing a source, you should begin by reading the original information several times so you thoroughly understand it. 6. identify the lie about research, writing, and plagiarism. a.paraphrased facts need to be mostly in your own words. is considered plagiarism if you can't remember what source the information if from, so you make one up. c.plagiarism is a result of laziness and procrastination. can avoid plagiarism by covering up the original source while you write your information.

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