20.06.2023 • 
Leisure and Entertainment

Learn How to Knit with Needles: A Simple Guide for Beginners


Have you ever seen a knitted scarf, sweater or hat and wondered how they were made? Knitting is a timeless and rewarding craft that has been passed down through generations. If you want to learn how to knit with needles, then this article is for you!

What You'll Need

Before you start knitting, you need the right supplies. Here are the essential tools you'll need:
  1. Knitting Needles - Choose a pair of straight needles, made of wood or metal, size 7 or 8 (4.5mm or 5mm).
  2. Yarn - Look for a soft and easy-to-work-with yarn, like worsted or DK weight acrylic or wool blend yarn.
  3. Scissors - You'll need scissors to cut the yarn later.
  4. Tapestry Needle - This needle is used to sew seams and weave in the ends.

Basic Stitches

The two basic stitches in knitting are the knit stitch and the purl stitch. These stitches are combined to create countless patterns and designs.

Knit Stitch

To make the knit stitch, insert the right needle through the first stitch on the left needle, bring the yarn over the right needle, and pull the new loop through the first stitch.

Purl Stitch

To make the purl stitch, hold the yarn in front of the work, insert the right needle from right to left into the first stitch on the left needle, then bring the yarn under the right needle and pull the new loop through.

Increasing and Decreasing Stitches

Once you've mastered the basic stitches, you can start increasing or decreasing the number of stitches on the needle. This is done by adding or removing stitches in a row.


To increase, make a stitch between two existing stitches. Insert the right needle into the space between the stitches from back to front, wrap the yarn around the needle and draw it through to create a new stitch.


To decrease, knit or purl two stitches together. Insert the right needle into the next two stitches on the left needle and knit or purl them as one stitch.

Reading a Pattern

Most knitting patterns use a series of abbreviations and symbols to represent the stitches and techniques used in the design. Here are some common terms you'll see:
  1. K - knit stitch
  2. P - purl stitch
  3. CO - cast on (starting the project)
  4. BO - bind off (ending the project)

Tips for Beginners

As a beginner, you'll likely make mistakes and encounter challenges. Here are some tips to help you succeed:
  1. Start with a simple project, like a scarf or dishcloth.
  2. Don't be afraid to rip out a section and start over if you make a mistake.
  3. Take breaks and rest your hands periodically to prevent cramping.
  4. Join a knitting group or take a class to learn from others.

Closing Thoughts

Knitting is a relaxing and fulfilling hobby that allows you to create useful and beautiful items. With the right tools, basic skills, and a little practice, you can learn how to knit with needles. Remember to be patient with yourself and enjoy the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long does it take to learn how to knit?

    It varies from person to person, but with regular practice and determination, you can learn the basics in a few weeks.
  2. Can you knit if you're left-handed?

    Absolutely! Left-handed knitters simply need to reverse the instructions and hold the needles and yarn in the opposite hand.
  3. Is knitting an expensive hobby?

    Not necessarily. You can buy affordable yarn and needles, and there are many free online patterns available. However, high-quality yarns and designer patterns can be more expensive.
  4. What can I make with knitting?

    You can make scarves, hats, mittens, sweaters, blankets, and many other items. Your imagination is the limit!
  5. Can knitting be therapeutic?

    Yes, many people find knitting to be a relaxing and meditative activity that can reduce stress and promote mindfulness.

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