11.12.2019 • 

Part 8: which detail from the text best supports the answer to part a? "turns out that a good handful of rappers use a greater vocabulary than shakespeare did , for the same sized block of lyrics ." ( paragraph 1) and the fact that whereas there are many good ways of estimating his vocabulary from concordances and good complete editions, the same was not true for his peers. shakespeare was just better documented and his vocabulary was easier to measure ." ( paragraph 7-8) "what is it that fascinates people about vocabulary size? it seems to offer a neat quantitative measure for literary quality. but this does not stand up to scrutiny." (paragraph 14) "the good thing about busting the shakespeare vocabulary myth is that we can now avoid that particular dead -end in working out what makes his use of language so remarkable and explore more promising ones, such as the abundance and creativity of his metaphors" (paragraph 15)

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