09.03.2020 • 

PART B: Which TWO details from the text best support the answer to Part A? A. “‘Not with that face, I would not take you nowhere,’ said the woman. ‘Here I am trying to get home and cook me a bite to eat and you snatch my pocketbook!’” (Paragraph 26) B. “After he had dried his face and not knowing what else to do dried it again, the boy turned around, wondering what next. The door was open.” (Paragraph 32) C. “Mrs. Jones got up and went behind the screen. The woman did not watch the boy to see if he was going to run now, nor did she watch her purse which she left behind on the day bed.” (Paragraph 36) D. "But the boy took care to sit… where he thought she could easily see him out of the corner of her eye...he did not want to be mistrusted now.” (Paragraph 36) E. “Instead, as they ate, she told him about her job in a hotel beauty-shop that stayed open late, what the work was like” (Paragraph 40) F. “‘Now, here, take this ten dollars and buy yourself some blue suede shoes. And next time, do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocketbook nor nobody else’s'” (Paragraph 42)
**from commonlit

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