29.03.2021 • 

Persuasive Writing Introductory Paragraph Review
Directions: Read the introductory paragraphs. Based on the preview of mam points determine what the
next paragraphs will be about
1. The other day when I was walking to school. I saw a street cleaner sit in the truck while his partner
did all of the work Both of those people were getting paid People need to take street cleaning more
seriously Street cleaning is important because it decreases the pollution, it gives our city a better look
and it increases employment.
What will the first body paragraph be about?
What will the second body paragraph be about?
What will the third body paragraph be about?
2. Have you ever really needed to go somewhere and did not have transportation? People under the age
of 14 should be able to drive. They should be able to drive because they might have woken up late and
no one is home Another reason is that on winter days it might be so cold that people could get bad frost
bites. And also they would be able to help with errands and picking up brothers and sisters.
What will the first body paragraph be about?
What will the second body paragraph be about?
What will the third body paragraph be about?​

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