13.02.2021 • 

Phil and Tim are peeling potatoes. Mother and Susan are reading newspaper. Granny is fishing. Grandpa is putting the tent. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1) Alice and Ron ... (to sit) in a cafe now. 2) It .. (пot to snow) outdoors now. 3) We ..(to wait) for our teacher in the class- room. 4) I .. (to watch) the children playing in the yard. 5) The girls ... (to argue) about what present to buy for Lewis. 6) Andrew... (not to have) a rest at the moment. 7) Look! Al the реople ... (to cсome) into the hall. 8) Unfortunately, our exрeri- ment ... (пot to go) according to the plan. Рam . (to stand) too close to the road. 10) The students. (пot to havе) а lес- ture now. 11) Her health ... (to improve) day after day. 12) The rainforests ... (uo disappear) from our planet nowadays. 13) The babysitter ... (пot to look) afler the child because the child ... (to sleep) now. 14) Look! The guide... (to point) building. 15)I ... (not to discuss) this question пow. some ancient ПОМОГИТЕ ПЖ МНЕ СРОЧНО НАДО ПОСТАВИТЬ ГЛАГОЛЫ В НУЖНУЮ ФОРМУ ПОМОГИТЕ​

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