10.09.2021 • 

Place the opening of each story into the appropriate column: openings that effectively establish a situation, narrator, characters, and plot-- and those that do not.

Rachel had spent all her elementary years
in gymnastics because she had only one
dream: to compete in the Olympics and
win a gold medal
When Sally's dad announced that he
would be chopping down the holly tree in
the front yard, Sally immediately began
planning a protest to save her beloved
climbing tree.
Unsure what was meant, the class paused
in silence
"Where is your jacket and backpack?' Pam
lan looked across the room in anger
The two boys knew their mothers would
never approve of their exploring the cave
they'd found in the woods behind the
neighborhood baseball field, but they just
had to know what was in that cave!

Place the opening of each story into the appropriate column: openings that effectively establish a

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