15.11.2020 • 

PLEASE Help!! Which event from the story should be added to form a complete summary?

An Unexpected Delight
Claire was having a great day. She and everyone else at her school had been sent home early
because a heavy snowstorm was coming Now she had plenty of free time to do as she
pleased. She couldn't play outside because of the storm, so she decided to make the most of
staying inside.

The first thing Claire did was finish her homework. That way, she could enjoy the rest of the day
without worrying about it. Then she asked her mother if they could bake cupcakes. They made
delicious chocolate and blueberry cupcakes. The cupcakes were so good that they ate half of
them. The storm was raging by then. They sat looking through the window as snow fell all around
their house. The setting was rather inspiring, and Claire thought that writing something to capture
this moment would be a good idea. She wrote a beautiful plece describing the magical view outside
her window. She showed the writing to her mother and was delighted when her mother praised her
Claire spent the rest of the day relaxing and watching movies with her mother it was like being on
Vacation. The fact that it was unexpected made it all the more enjoyable for her.

Summary :

Claire gets sent home from school due to a snow storm, Claire decides to make the most of her
holiday First, the completes her homework. Claire and her mother then bake cupcakes (Select the
sentence below that best nts here.) Claire decides to write an essay describing the landscape
outside her window. She spends the rest of the day watching movies with her mother Claire
believes that its unexpectedness is what made the day so enjoyable.

A. Claire and her mother thought the cupcakes were delicious.

B. Claire finds the setting of the snowfall very inspiring.

C. They sit and look at the heavy snowfall outside their house.

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