03.12.2020 • 

PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP PLEASE I REALLY NEED THE ANSWER VERY URGENT PLEASE IM BEGGING Read the Poem "High Dive" and then answer the prompt that follows.

High Dive

My stomach is communing with my toes
My legs - boiled noodles having no will to support
I force one foot up
then the other.
I hold fiercely to the hand rails
as I climb slowly.
The voices of my fear screech their warnings,
"Don't go! Don't go!"

Pushing my fear behind me, I step onto the board.
It quivers alive - mirroring my quaking legs.
I struggle cautiously to the end;
Cementing my feet, I lean precariously forward
and peer into the depths below.
The twinkling eyes of the ripples catch my frightened stare;
The crystalline nymphs implore me,
"Just fall forward! Stretch out your fingers. We will catch you!"
I almost believe leaning ever nearer
Then - fear grabs me.
"Don't do it! It's too far!"
The voices do battle;
I'm caught in between!

Suddenly a new voice enters the fray.
"If you're gonna jump, jump! You're holding up the line!"
I turn, aware that several bodies block my escape.
I look to the right and see my friends beckoning far beneath me.

I lock my fear away,
Place my arms over my head
and fall forward.

My fingers slice the surface
I plunge into the quiet depths
Hearing the whispers around me
"You did it! You did it!"

I emerge - smiling -
The nymphs victorious
Fear slinks away.

I leave the pool and walk back with gained confidence to where my journey began.

Prompt: The Poem "High Dive" reveals the transformation that the speaker from the beginning of the poem to the end. The change over the course of the poem reveals a greater theme in the poem.

Write a detailed paragraph where you describe the speaker's transformation and how it contributes to the theme. Be sure to include at least two excerpts from the text to support your response.

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