20.02.2021 • 

Pls help Look back through the part of The Diary of a Young Girl that you have read already, and find an incident that you think is particularly meaningful. Create a "diary comic" illustrating the event or situation you chose. (Note that you don't have to draw Anne herself to represent the event as a comic—you can use objects to tell the story.) Refer to the rubric below to see how your work on this project will be graded.

Category Points Criteria
Topic 3 You chose an anecdote, event, or situation from Anne Frank's diary that was clearly meaningful to her.
Details 3 You included the most important details of the anecdote, event, or situation in your representation.
Reflection 3 You included details that suggest what the event meant to Anne.
Completeness 3 Your comic is factual and complete. Your drawings describe the event and convey your understanding of its meaning clearly.

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