18.10.2021 • 

Pls help me about thesis statement''The raven'' ONE PAGER

One-pagers are a fun and creative way for you to show your understanding, interpretation, and analysis of a text in a visual way on one single piece of paper.

Below you will find a list of the elements that must be included on the page, but you are given some freedom on how you want to showcase and display this information. Be creative! These must be visually appealing, colorful, and easy to read.

The title (in the correct format) and author of the story or poem.

Your thesis statement.

At least 5 words/phrases connected to the Romanticism elements used in this story and/or ideas that are essential for understanding the story.

5 images that represent Romanticism elements used in this story and/or ideas that are essential for understanding the story. (words and images should not repeat)

A direct quote (with proper citation) from the story that represents a significant part of understanding the story along with a short explanation of what is significant or important about this quote.

Another direct quote from the story that represents a significant part of understanding the story along with a short explanation of what is significant or important about this quote.

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