06.03.2021 • 

Q Practice and Apply These sentences include errors in spelling and
capitalization. In each sentence, identify the misspellings and write the
words correctly. Refer to Another Place, Another Time and to other reference
resources to check spellings.
1. Cory Docorow, the author of "Another Place, Another Time," tells how the
children named the handcar Kamalazoo.
2. In this story, Gilbert is friends with Emmy Limberger and her twin brothers,
Neils and Irwin
3. Gilbert's tutor, Senor Uriate, and his housekeeper, Mme. Curie, care for him
when his father is crossing the Altantic ocean.
4. Profesor Einstein's book leaves a deep impression on Gilbert, who wants to
understand how the newtonion view of the universe has changed.

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