09.06.2021 • 

Read both of the poems and then answer the questions below: Dust of Snow

by Robert Frost

The way a crow

Shook down on me

The dust of snow

From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart

A change of mood

And saved some part

Of a day I had rued.

Soft Snow

by William Blake

I walked abroad in a snowy day;

I asked the soft snow with me to play;

She played and she melted in all her prime,

And the winter called it a dreadful crime.

Define tone. Then compare or contrast the tone in the poems above. Describe both Frost's tone and Blake's tone. Do you see similarities in their attitudes toward snow? Differences? Write a well-developed paragraph using examples from the poems.

Compare or contrast the form of the two poems above. Remember that the form of poetry includes the rhythm, meter, rhyme scheme, and any poetic devices. What do you notice about the form of each poem? How does the form of each poem affect the reader? Write a well-developed paragraph using examples from the poems.

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