02.11.2020 • 

Read the following excerpt on a persuasive message. Which line identifies the central idea of the message? We are surrounded by technology everywhere we go—elevators at work, automatic washing machines, fully automated cars, remote controlled TVs and garage doors. Life has become quite easy and we can perform complex tasks with the touch of a button. We hardly move from our seats to get our work done.

Though technology makes life easy and is time saving, it comes with disadvantages, too. Who doesn't like a life surrounded by luxury? The truth is that this fully automated life has turned us into lazy couch potatoes. We lead a mechanical and sedentary lifestyle, even if it adversely affects our health.

This easy lifestyle leads to inactivity, because we have become totally dependent on gadgets. We have forgotten the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and turned a deaf ear to the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle.

The reason I write this article is to encourage you to get up from your seat and exercise. Don't let technology take over your well-being. Stay healthy and be fit!

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