12.08.2020 • 

Read the following passage: Forgive the interruption, dear reader, but I’ll have you know this is going to be an adventure for me, too. It’s not easy being an inanimate object worth enough American dollars to feed a family of six in Chad for over forty thousand years. (Or 4,077 families of six for a decade each. How my value is distributed is of no concern to me.)

That is no exaggeration.)

Right now, that dastardly George Washington has his ugly green face smashed against mine, and there’s a month-old Chick-fil-A receipt pressed against my behind without my consent. To top it off, the person who shoved me into this lackluster billfold truly has forgotten about me.

The indignity of it all is appalling considering my value, don’t you think?

Make an inference as to who or what the speaker in this passage might be. What details did you use to help you reach this conclusion?

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