24.09.2021 • 

Retire do texto exemplos de palavras que apresentam prefixos e sufixos Reduce; reuse and recycle are the three formulas of keeping
our environment clean and healthy. If these tools are used
positively by everyone, soon we can change our world to a
better place for surviving in a more pleasing way. Pollution is
making our environment not only dirty but also becoming
harmful for the people. The effect is posing a threat on our survival. We can notice spread litters here and
there on the roads, parks and several other public places. These wastes are because of our unintelligent,
careless and thoughtless use of food products and other usable things. This makes the public places dirty as
well as bad looking for the visitors. A recent survey shows that use of packed food, water bottles have
increased at an alarming rate in many countries including India.

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