30.01.2022 • 

Rewrite each sentence, changing the italicized verb to its correct form in the subjunctive. 1. If it was possible to help him, I would do it.

2. The law requires that you are sixteen before you can drive a car.

3. Grandpa treats me as if I was still a baby.

4. I wish that I was you, taking a trip like that!

5. The judge ordered that the defendant pays a fine.

6. My teacher insists that I am punctual.

7. The committee voted that the proposal is shelved.

8. I wish that I was rich.

9. She suggests that Paula drives her own car.

10. The captain requests that everyone remains seated until the plane stops.

11. The judge ordered that the defendant pays a fine.

12. The jury asked that the judge explains the new law.

Complete each sentence, using a verb in the subjunctive mood.
1. I insist that
2. Most schools require that each student
3. I prefer that George
4. If I were
5. I wish that
6. My mother treats me as if
7. The principal suggests that Susan

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