02.02.2021 • 

So I got bored and wrote my first poem. tell me what you think: there once was a butter fly who couldn't fly

He said to himself I cant fly so now I'm gonna die

He jumped off a branch, and hit the ground

and there he died, with out making a sound

All the animals gathered around and wept for the poor butter fly who couldn't fly, they looked up and saw rain was falling from the sky

the clouds had gone gray, to match the emotion of that day

and they knew the forest wouldn't be the same.

That night some of them swore

that they heard the dying heart beat of that small version of a bird

sobs were heard all around

and tears were adding to the rain that was puddling on the ground.

sometimes they say

when everybody feels especially down

you can hear the sobs rolling over the ground.

And so this was the story of the butter fly that couldn't fly

How that one butter fly so silently hit the ground

but the impact of its wings was heard all around

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