20.08.2020 • 

Stolen food this passage is an extract from Helen keller's autobiography of the story of my life story written by that person Helen Keller was born in 1880 in the USA she lost her sight and hearing in an illness when she was two years old not that the swelling in this extract is American I do not remember when I first realised that I was different from other people but I knew it before my teacher came to me I had noticed that my mother and my friends do not use Science as I did when they wanted anything done but we talked with their mouths sometimes I stood between two persons who was conversing and touch their lives and I could not understand and was vaxed I moved my lives and just accumulated friend tekali without result This made me so angry at times that I kicked and screamed until I was exhausted I think I knew when I was not easy for I knew that it hurt Allah minors to click her and when my fate of Temple was over and hi had a feeling akin to regret but I cannot remember any incident in which this feeling prevented me from getting the naughtiest when I fail to get what I wanted in those days Martha Washington the child of our coke and ballet and old haunt and a great hunter in her day were my constant companions what are Washington understood my science and I seldom had any difficulty in making her do just do just I waste it pleased me to dominate over her and she generally submitted to my Tyranny rather than Breast hand to hand encounter I was strong active in different toucan sequence I knew my own mind well enough and always had my own way even if I had to fight tooth and nail for it we spent a great deal of time in the kitchen kneading 2 balls helping make ice cream grinding coffee quarrelling over the cake bowl and feeding the hands and territories that swarmed about the kitchen stairs many of them was so tame that they would eat from my hands and let me feel them one big gobbler snatched a tomato from from me one day and run away with it inspired per has my master Goblet successfully carried off to the wood pile the cook had just frosted and ate every bit of it I was quite ill afterwards and I wondered if retribution also over to that Turkey. What we will right after skimming and scanning

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