07.01.2020 • 

what to do when i'm lost,
in the rain, stormy thoughts,
rusted bones, both knees broken,
i try to talk, you keep me choking.
what to say when i'm speechless,
give a hug, why don't you keep it,
no more love, when you speak it,
spread it around, love, i need it.
reach for the stars, they don't reach back,
starts a fire, with no match,
will the water put it out,
will the rain the drought,
well i'm drowning, lets figure out,
how to live, without the doubt,
am i enough, am i worth it,
i know i don't need to be perfect,
will you be my friend?
do i deserve this love you spread,
you aren't

another love:
sitting in a room full of ashes,
burning all the letters of love,
knowing im alone makes me feel better,
cause i know what am and and what i was,
i never understood why i felt this way,
and underneath the pressure of the your breath,
when you blew me off my feet with and exhale,
i fell deeper into the spell,
and eventually fell,
and now that the blood is running,
its not that noticeable cause its flowing with the water,
in the river that im slowly drowning in,
i look up to see you under the same falls of water,
not looking down, but into the eyes of another person,
one that is prettier, smarter, taller, and charming,
and i know that i'd never match up,
at this point i have given up,
and i am stuck in the pool, of lonelyness,
but i'm fine, at least thats what i tell him and try to tell myself,
and even when i'm crying,
like right now when this salty tear hits my lip,
and i don't realize until then,
that i can make the same waterfall they are standing under,
and they are are perfect people to love each other,
and now that my eyes are burning,
i feel the pain in my heart,
and unknowingly of its existence,
until it decides to throb so badly i can't sleep,
but as i always say its nothing i haven't felt before,
because i can never sleep with you on my mind,
and i always cry when you're gone,
so i always fall for the wrong people when i have no chance,
but for some reason this is different,
i don't know why or how but i'm still sad,
and this mindset of never being loved or worthy has taken over,
even if your pressured whispers tell me i'm not alone.

am i enough:
in this world of virtuality,
i can never feel your touch,
and sometimes i wonder,
why i can never be enough,
you say that your here with me,
but you on the other side of the world,
and even if we talk until we meet,
i can still never be your girl,
cause im bad at love,
and i don't know enough,
i'll never match up to her.
ever match up to your standards,
cause i know that im just the back up,
and your first option is perfection,
and she is the definition,
but she plays with your emotions,
and i'm waiting for the opportunity,
but i never get to say,
'if' this will or won't happen,
because it not happening today,
and i love it when you complain,
cause i care about what you say,
and you giving me all these butterflies,
but they always fly away.

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