01.02.2021 • 

TEXT: Laura wanted to getaway. She was back in the passage. The door opened. She walked straight through into the bedroom, where the dead man was lying. "You'd like a look at 'im, wouldn't you?" Don't be afraid, my lass and now her voice sounded fond and sly. and fondly she drew down the sheet- 'e looks a picture. there's nothing to show. Come along my dear. Laura came. There lay a young man, fast asleep--sleep sa soundly, so deeply, that he was far, far away from them both. Oh so remote. so peaceful. He was dreaming. Never wake him up again. His head was sunk in the piliow, his eyes were closed they were blind under the closed eyelids. He was given up on his dream. What did garden parties and baskets and lace frocks matter to him? He was far from all those things. He was wonderful, beautiful. While they were laughing and while the band was playing, this marvel had come to the lane. Happy..happy... All is well said that sleeping face. this is just as it should be. I am content. But all the same, you had to cry, and she couldn't go out of the room without saying something to him. Laura gave a loud childish sob. "Forgive my hat" she said. And this time she didn't wait to be escorted out she found her way out of the door, down the path, past all those dark people.

Laura thinks: "While they were laughing and while the band was playing, this "marvel" had come to the lane." later she tells her brother, "It was ' marvelous." Laura had experienced a powerful lesson in growing up. In this context what does she mean when she says "marvel" and marvelous?!*

A. It was a thrilling or marvelous experience for her.

B. It was marvelous to see how the people appreciataed her kindness.

C. She marvelled that no one was offended by the garden party.

D. She had experienced the miracle or marvel of life and death

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