31.12.2019 • 

The basic instructions:
• write a speech outline that presents a clear claim about a topic.
• your audience is a panel of teachers. this speech should be written formally. this means to use elevated vocabulary and write in 3rd person point of view.
• you will submit your thesis statement as a quiz grade and complete the speech outline for a test grade.
the topics (you must choose one of these):
1. should college athletes be paid for playing, since it is currently illegal for them to receive any sort of compensation (money or gifts) for playing their sports?
2. should students be required to be active (exercise) for a minimum of 30 minutes a day?
3. should parents be allowed to monitor or track their child’s social media and cell phone usage? including, but not limited to: passwords, gps tracking, and approving contacts.
4. should the minimum legal age for holding a job be changed from 16 to 14?
5. should it be legal to use a cell phone (talking or texting) while driving?

detailed instructions:
steps to completing all tasks for this unit:

1) work through the daily lessons in the ohs
2) write a thesis statement and submit on friday, january 12 (use the form attached to the dropbox)
3) complete the speech outline and submit friday january 26 (use the template in this document and attach it to the dropbox)

use the following template to complete your argumentative speech outline. both parts a and b must be completed to receive a passing grade for the argumentative speech outline. you can just submit the completed template without the above directions.

part a: complete the outline below. erase the red statements and fill in the outline using complete sentences.
i. introduction - copy and paste your thesis here (be sure you’ve checked your feedback on the thesis assignment to make sure it’s a strong thesis).

ii. first supporting detail- tell your first supporting detail from thesis here
a. write 1 sentence using a transition word to introduce the supporting detail
b. use 1 sentence to explain how this supporting detail supports the claim.

iii. second supporting detail-- tell your second supporting detail from thesis here
a. write 1 sentence using a transition word to introduce the supporting detail
b. use 1 sentence to explain how this supporting detail supports the claim.

iv. opposing viewpoint - state a counter argument for the claim
a. some people might say that
b. this is a misconception because

v. conclusion - present a call to action in a sentence or two summarizing your claim and supporting details.
part b: now you will write 1 paragraph as it would appear in a full argumentative essay:
write 1 complete paragraph about section ii or section iii or section iv of the outline. fully develop this paragraph with a topic sentence, explanation of the supporting detail, and summary sentence. you should use the sentences from the chosen section of your outline in this paragraph.

type your full paragraph here.

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