20.01.2021 • 

“The Battle of Mogadishu". and "Excerpt from 'The Lost Lessons of Black Hawk Down"
Which assumption does the author of "Lost Lessons of Black Hawk Down" make about the
reader that the author of "The Battle of Mogadishu" article does not?
The author of "Lost Lessons of Black Hawk Down" assumes that the reader already has background
knowledge of the Battle of Mogadishu.
The author of "Lost Lessons of Black Hawk Down" assumes that the reader believes that Operation
Gothic Serpent was an overall success.
The author of "Lost Lessons of Black Hawk Down" assumes that the reader is not familiar with the
geography of Somalia
The author of "Lost Lessons of Black Hawk Down" assumes that the reader believes that the Operation
Gothic Serpent should have never been carried out.

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