12.07.2019 • 

The following excerpt is taken from the first chapter of of mice and men. how does steinbeck’s selection of detail prepare readers for the story to follow? be sure to discuss the significance of the passage’s imagery and symbolism. a few miles south of soledad, the salinas river drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green. the water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands in the sunlight before reaching the narrow pool. on one side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve up to the strong and rocky gabilan mountains, but on the valley side the water is lined with trees- willows fresh and green with every spring, carrying in their lower leaf junctures the debris of the winter's flooding; and sycamores with mottled, white, recumbent limbs and branches that arch over the pool. on the sandy bank under the trees the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering if he runs among them. rabbits come out of the brush to sit on the sand in the evening, and the damp flats are covered with the night tracks of 'coons, and with the spread pads of dogs from the ranches, and with the split-wedge tracks of deer that come to drink in the dark. there is a path through the willows and among the sycamores, a path beaten hard by boys coming down from the ranches to swim in the deep pool, and beaten hard by tramps who come wearily down from the highway in the evening to jungle-up near water. in front of the low horizontal limb of a giant sycamore there is an ash pile made by many fires; the limb is worn smooth by men who have sat on it. to receive the highest score for this answer . . make sure you use formal, academic style; answer the question completely using specific incidents and examples from the text; restate the prompt; use "prove-it" language.

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