07.09.2021 • 

The younger as they gan
attacking Ms. Lottie and her garden? (Cite from text)she left ashamed
nt ...
16. Why was Lizabeth's father so angry and downcast about his life? (Cite from
text)marigolds gets upset by her father's tears because she has always viewed him as the
metaphorical rock of their family.
17. What did Lizabeth mean about the world losing its boundary lines? (Cite from text) world
had lost its boundary lines explains us that the idea of men do not cry has changed men
do not cry that is the boundary lizabeth is talking about and losing this boundary.
18. What was Lizabeth's brother Joey doing while she listened to the interactions between their
parents? (Cite from text)
19.When Lizabeth convinced Joey to join her as she ran from their home, where was she
going? (Cite from text)
20. What did Lizabeth mean when she said she was not afraid of Miss Lottie's haunted home
because she was haunted too? (Cite from text)

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