18.02.2021 • 

Think about judges allowing dogs in courtrooms. Why do some people support this idea? Why are others against it? Which side do you agree with and why? Back up your answer with facts and details from the Article.
PORT HURON, Michigan (Achieve3000, September 25, 2018). Bruin was the newest worker at a Michigan courthouse in September 2018. He stood out among the other workers. After all, he was born with four legs.

Bruin is a dog. He has silky ears and a calm manner. His job is to sit next to children who have to be in court.

Children may go to court after crimes have happened. They may have to answer questions. Bruin is meant to lessen their trauma. He may help these children feel less stress.

Dogs are being used to calm children in courtrooms across the U.S. There are more than 180 of these trained dogs working in 35 states. There are more dogs that may not be specially trained that are allowed inside courtrooms for support.

Many judges and defense lawyers are against having dogs in court. They worry that the animals could affect a jury. Jurors may feel sorry for the child.

George Flores is a defense lawyer in Connecticut. He agrees that dogs could unfairly affect a jury's decision.

"The fact that a child needs a [support] dog is already a signal to the jury that there's something [he or she needs support] for," he said.

But supporters of the practice say the dogs can help. They can help children feel less stress when telling their stories in court.

Ellen O'Neill-Stephens used to be a lawyer. She says being in court can be upsetting for children. She started a group that trains courthouse dogs. "I want to make it easier for people to [speak in court]," she said.

Ivy Jacobsen had to speak in court as a teen. She said a dog helped to comfort her during questioning by lawyers.

"It made it easier to talk knowing he was there," said Jacobsen.

Courts around the world use dogs to comfort trial witnesses. The animals have been welcomed into courtrooms in South America, Europe, and Australia.

Advocates of having dogs in court say the dogs can be placed where juries can't see them. This will lessen the chance that juries will be swayed by them. Also, judges can talk to the juries. They can tell jurors not to think about the dogs.

Defense lawyers, however, say it's not that simple.

Information for this story came from AP.

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