20.01.2021 • 

This is a discussion question This is a 25 point question

Have you ever watched online tutorials about how to create an art project, how to do a trick, or how to use a new strategy in a game?

Think about a tutorial that you could create for other students. Your purpose will be to help someone your age complete the steps in the tutorial. Write, edit, and revise a short script. Be sure to include specific details. You also may want to include some props, diagrams, or images to communicate your instructions.

Option 2

In an informational text, the author’s primary purpose is to inform readers. The author uses clear language that can be organized in a variety of structures, such as chronological or compare and contrast, to effectively present the information.

Think about an event that will be happening in your school or community that you’d like to inform others about. How would you present this information to students and others in your community? What is your topic? What organizational structures, word choice, print and graphics, or other elements could you use? Write a description of how you would present the information.

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