17.02.2021 • 

Voyage was the breadfruit tree that impressed him. Apparently, the fruit of the breadfruit tree is quite delicious and filling, not only feeling like fresh bread but also tasting like it."
Keisha wants to rewrite this sentence from the above paragraph: One of the plants that
Joseph Banks saw on his voyage was the breadfruit tree that impressed him.
How can Keisha best rewrite this sentence to make it clearer without changing the
O Joseph Banks saw on his voyage one of the plants that impressed him, it was the breadfruit tree.
o On his voyage, Joseph Banks saw the breadfruit tree that impressed him-a plant.
Seen by Joseph Banks on his voyage and impressing him was one of the plants he saw, the
breadfruit tree.
Joseph Banks was impressed with the breadfruit tree, one of the plants he saw on his voyage.
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