20.07.2021 • 

w than this than mo than yours. est Yourself 4 Frite the correct forms of the adjectives given in the brackets than travelling by bus,(exy Travelling by plane is. These dresses aren't very beautiful. Those dresses are (beautiful) yesterday. (cold It's not very cold today. It was This dress isn't very cheap. That dress is. than mine. (good) Your handwriting is. If you eat so many sweets, you will be than living in a town Living in a village can be Your hair isn't very long. Her hair is. Which is the animal in the world? (dangerous) London is the city in Europe. (big) The Pacific Ocean is the. ocean in the world. (large Your bed is not comfortable. My chair is The Nile is the river in Africa. (long) Everest is the mountain in the world. (high) Your chair is not strong. My bed is than yours. Your camera isn't very expensive. My camera is yours. (expensive) My house is than yours. (big) This flower is than that one. (beautiful) This is the book I have ever read. (interesting) In my building there are seven floors. In your building there are My building is Your story isn't very good. My story is. than your building. (tall) than your Mina's house isn't very clean. My house is than yours than Yourself 5​

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