06.03.2021 • 

What do you think about this essay? Have you ever cheated? Have you helped a friend cheat before? Do you know someone who has cheated or has helped someone cheat? If you have not told an adult then you are guilty of lying or helping someone lie. Cheating is wrong and if you have done any of those things it probably put you through stress because you don’t want to get caught cheating or get caught helping someone cheat. Why is cheating wrong you ask? It’s wrong because it leads to failure. Even though you don’t get caught you still know that you cheated. Cheating is very popular and because of technology, it makes it easier for students to cheat.

When you cheat it is basically saying that you do not believe in your own abilities. Cheating is lying and if you get caught it could be embarrassing. Not only will you be embarrassed but you could also have to do a grade over for not learning the basics. Learning how to gain information does not only help you learn but it helps you grow as a person, when you cheat you don’t learn how to persist, persevere, commit, and work hard which leads to laziness and poverty. When you cheat you are killing your trust, many people don’t realize that they do get caught but people don’t say anything when you get caught people won’t trust you with anything anymore no matter if you only did it once.

When you cheat it puts stress on you, you don’t know if people think you cheated or not. When you cheat you usually act a different way because you don’t want anyone to suspect that you cheated. When put under this pressure it could cause self-hate. When you learn something new and you really understand it you feel good about yourself and you want to continue learning, but when you cheat and you don’t know anything it is hard to keep up and you wind up cheating over and over again.

Cheating is wrong and children can suffer tremendously from it. Cheating is stealing and it needs to stop otherwise it will lead to destruction.

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