18.03.2021 • 

What is Wollstonecraft’s purpose in writing this letter? Question 1 options:

To attack Talleyrand and map out the reasons why his opinion is wrong

To convince Talleyrand to reconsider his views on women and education

To request that Talleyrand arrange a meeting for her with French politicians

To shame Talleyrand into retracting his earlier published views about women

Question 2 (Mandatory) (2 points)
How does paragraph 3 help to support the above purpose?

Question 2 options:

She is complimenting her audience and stroking his ego.

She is listing her own specific desires in a clear manner.

She is offending her audience and making him defensive.

She is offering irrefutable proof of his flawed logic.

Question 3 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Where is Wollstonecraft’s rhetoric (language) most effective in advancing her purpose?

Question 3 options:

Page 1 - paragraph 2 - “So it is my affection for the whole human race …”

Page 1 - paragraph 4 - “Manners and morals are so closely related …”

Page 2 - paragraph 7 - “Consider these remarks dispassionately …”

Page 3 - paragraph 15 - “The father of a family won’t weaken his constitution…”

Question 4 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which of the following statements is a fair summary of page 3?

When women are forced into a domestic role in society and are denied their rights, they will ___.

Question 4 options:

begin to act like tyrants in an effort to gain some control

fall into a depression that impacts their entire household

seek attention and power by immoral methods instead

upset the entire social order and cause widespread chaos

Question 5 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which quote from the text best supports the answer to the above question?

Question 5 options:

“... man must in some way act like a tyrant and that tyranny ...will always undermine morality.”

“... they try to make things more fair by retaliation”

“... they will seek illicit privileges in ways that make both men and themselves vicious”

“With fairer laws forming your citizens, marriage can become more sacred;”

Question 6 (Mandatory) (2 points)
We can infer that the author would agree that .

Question 6 options:

logic and reason is not an effective tactic to reach her target audience

men should never speak on behalf of women again

there is little hope for progressive changes in her lifetime

women should be included in decisions made about their education

Question 7 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which of the following sentences best reflects the author’s main claim and purpose for writing?

Question 7 options:

“If woman isn’t fitted by education to become man’s companion, she will stop the progress of knowledge, because truth must be common to all;”

“If you are going to exclude women, without consulting them, from sharing in the natural rights of mankind, then defend yourself against accusations of injustice and inconsistency by proving that women don’t have reason.”

“I know that you firmly believe you are acting in the manner most likely to promote women’s happiness; but who made man the exclusive judge of that if woman shares with him the gift of reason?”

“My opinion about the rights and duties of woman seems to flow so naturally from those simple principles that it seems almost inevitable that some of the enlarged minds who formed your admirable constitution will agree with me.”

Question 8 (Mandatory) (2 points)
The document that you read is titled a “Dedicatory Letter”. What does this mean?

Question 8 options:

It is a letter asking him to print a public recommendation for her book.

It is a letter professing her respect and admiration to him.

It is a letter that appears at the beginning of her larger book, a dedication to him.

It is a letter that she is mailing to him in advance of the book’s publication.

Question 9 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which meaning of the word abject BEST fits how it is used in the sentence from page 2?

They may be convenient slaves, but slavery will have its constant effect, degrading the master and the abject dependent.

Question 9 options:





What does Wollstonecraft mean when she tells Talleyrand to “Consider these remarks dispassionately, Sir,” on page 2? What else could she have said and still mean the same thing?

A. Distance yourself from this subject.

B. Get fired up about this.

C. Let your mind wander for a bit.

D. Think about this logically.

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