08.08.2019 • 

What narrative point of view is used in the passage? lazy winter mornings it was not the first time that sera was late for her spanish class. almost every day, she’d race into the classroom halfway through the lesson, while ronnie and her other friends glared at her. today was no exception. sera panted as she reached the bus stop, only to realize that her bus had already left. “it's the third time this week! ” she said to herself. that cold winter morning, she had a hard time getting out of bed. when she finally decided to go to class, she realized how late she was. sera had to rush through her morning routine and didn’t have time for breakfast. i’ll show up in class with a loud, growling stomach, sera thought as she hurried along the sidewalk. a. first person b. third-person limited c. third-person omniscient d. second person

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