23.02.2021 • 

When Lucy was a little girl, she dreamed of opening a lemonade stand in the front yard of her Los Angeles home. One hot July day when she was eight, Lucy walked outside in the blazing heat and stepped across the burning hot sidewalk. She looked down the street at the playground with at least 100 children, who all looked hot and thirsty. Lucy loved to make money, and this young girl decided to finally make her dream come true. She went to the garage and found some boxes that would create a sturdy lemonade stand complete with a counter and area for storage. Once it was put together and painted a beautiful yellow, she called it Lucy’s Lemonade Stand, because she knew everyone in the neighborhood would remember it for years to come. All the neighborhood children will me as the greatest lemonade worker. Next, Lucy took her piggy bank and walked to the local fruit market. She thought to herself, “Now, I need to be with my money and not spend it all at once. I don’t need a of lemons in the refrigerator as mom tries to how much fresh fruit we keep in there, so it doesn’t rot. Lucy picked out ten beautiful flawless lemons and put them in her bag, being careful not to thier beautiful yellow skins by dropping them. As she walked home, Lucy heard the loud of the children joking with each other and she watched the crazy of the boys trying to impress the girls by jumping off the top of the slide.

When Lucy’s mom came home, she asked Lucy what she was doing. After hearing her plan, her mom gave her a pretty tablecloth, some fresh flowers, and plenty of disposable cups for her business. Lucy looked at her collection of business supplies and knew she has everything she needed. Lucy mixed her first gallon of lemonade and took it outside. Lucy’s construction skills were not the best, and when she set the pitcher down on the slightly cardboard counter top, and unbeknownst to Lucy, the pitcher began to slide towards the end. Luckily, another neighbor girl, who had been spying on Lucy, ran to stand and grabbed the pitcher before it off the edge of the counter and crashed to the ground.
“Jenny,” yelled Lucy. “Thank goodness you caught that! How did you know it was going to fall?”
Jenny replied, “I have been hiding incognito behind that shrub spying on you.” Lucy looked at her confused and asked her why.
“ I love lemonade and would help you for free. Just pay me in lemonade!” said the lemonade lover.
“Well, I guess it would not be a to have a helper, in case I need to get supplies,” said Lucy. “But,” she added, “bring your own cup so I can keep track of how many glasses I sell by counting my disposable

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