11.01.2021 • 

Which answer option best explains how the diagram enhances the meaning of the text? The Teen Sleep Crisis

According to a recent survey, only 8 percent of American teenagers get the recommended amount of sleep: nine or more hours per night. Why don't teens get enough sleep? One problem is electronic devices. Constant access to TV, video games, and social media makes it hard to unplug and fall asleep. Another problem is stress. With homework, activities, and all the bustle of everyday life, teens often have trouble relaxing enough to drift off to sleep. Luckily, sleep can be improved with a little effort and practice. You can help your teen get enough sleep by creating a calm environment and promoting good sleep habits.

A. It reinforces the text's emphasis on the reasons to get a good night's sleep.
B. It explains the text's claim that electronic devices contribute to sleep problems.
C. It suggests solutions to the sleep problems mentioned in the text.
D. It helps readers relate emotionally to the teenagers mentioned in the text.

Which answer option best explains how the diagram enhances the meaning of the text?

The Teen Slee

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