20.04.2021 • 

With the beginning of the Space Shuttle program in the 1980s, it became vital to improve the food and methods of eating and drinking in space since astronauts could spend 30 days aboard. The new food system included hot and cold water dispensers, a pantry, and an oven. Astronauts are able to choose meals in advance, though meals are repeated about every week. In addition, the space shuttle includes individual-sized packets of mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, and hot sauce for seasoning. The space food system has improved drastically since its beginning days of tubes and bite-sized, dehydrated foods. As space missions become longer, the program will undoubtedly make new advances. Which of the following best describes how this paragraph Is organized.

A. comparison and contrast
B. pro and con
C. problem and solution
D. classification schemes

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