20.09.2020 • 

1. What are the names for Highs and Lows? 2. Name the High Pressure Belts in the General Circulation: ( See General pressure belts, no winds! )

3. How do you recognize where the strongest winds are on the map? ( The Strong Pressure Gradient )

4. How the offshore winds blow?
-direction: from the ocean to the land or from the land to the ocean
-dry or west?

5. The Asian Monsoons in the summer blow
From———- to———( land/ ocean )
Wet or dry?

6. The Coriolis force moves winds to the left/ right in the N. Hemisphere.

7. Where are the Doldrums and the ITCZ zone?
Poles Subtropics Equator Tropics

8. The Polar Jet is associated with:
Easterlies Trade Winds Westerlies Polar winds

9. Santa Ana winds provide ideal conditions for wild fires. The brush fires destroy hundreds of homes in late summer and fall. Explain the cause and the nature of these winds ( where they come from, pressure )

10. Explain the origin of the land and sea breezes. What causes the change of the wind direction during the day and night on our coast?

11. Describe and explain the Seasonal shift of the general circulation patterns in S. California. Remember, that we are in the Subtropical High Pressure Belt and we have two seasons, why summer dry and winter wet?

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