10.11.2020 • 

Help fast I need answers I am In a test due at 2:30 piz do correct answers piz do not put dumb answers nice pionts but piz do not put dumb answers Which of the following are true about bacteria? * 5 answers

1. they are are tiny, one-celled creatures
2. bad bacteria live in your intestines
3. there are about 30 kinds of bacteria that exist
4. they can be prevented with vaccines
5. bacteria cause infections like strep throat
6. they can be treated with antibiotics
7. not all bacteria are bad
8. good bacteria live in your intestines
9. good bacteria live in your blood

Which of the following are true of viruses? * 4 answers

1. they kill everything they infect
2. they can be treated with antibiotics
3. don't live very long outside of an organism
4. they are what cause the flu
5. they are larger than bacteria
6. they are very similar to plants
7. they can reproduce asexually
8. need to be inside living cells to grow and reproduce.
9. they can be prevented with vaccines

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