23.11.2019 • 

Until very recently, it was thought that peptic ulcers were caused by stress, spicy foods, alcohol consumption, and excess stomach acid production. why was it controversial to suggest that a bacterium could be a root cause for peptic ulcers? until very recently, it was thought that peptic ulcers were caused by stress, spicy foods, alcohol consumption, and excess stomach acid production. why was it controversial to suggest that a bacterium could be a root cause for peptic ulcers? a. because scientists thought that excess acid could cause the erosion of the stomach lining, it followed that production of excess acid caused ulcers.b. because people living in stressful situations often develop ulcers, scientists thought that stress was the most likely cause for this condition.c. until recently, scientists did not believe that bacteria could survive and reproduce in the harsh, acidic environment of the stomach.d. because people who consume excess amounts of alcohol and often eat spicy foods tend to develop ulcers, it was thought that these were the cause.

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