20.10.2020 • 

03.03 Lesson Summary and Assessment What Do I Have To Do?
The Incas created a lively, thriving culture in ancient times. The six images shown here all relate to the Incas. Each image is also related to one of the six S.P.R.I.T.E. elements you’ve learned. Your task is to write a caption for each image shown. Your captions should be three to five sentences and explain how the image shows the Inca’s contribution to civilization.

What is a contribution? It is something meaningful. It can be unique or surprising. If you’re not sure what an image is, look over the lesson for clues. Take a minute to view the example below. Be sure to note how the caption describes the picture and the contribution.

Photograph of the ruins of Machu Picchu. Stone walls of a large complex cover the top of a very high mountain.
© 2012 The Associated Press
Example of student-written caption: This is an image of Machu Picchu. It has stone walls. The Incas were skilled stoneworkers. They built temples and walls with smooth, cut stones. The stones fit together so well that they did not need any mortar to hold them together.

Now it is your turn:

Requirements: Write a three to five sentence caption for the following six images. Don’t forget that your caption should:

1. Name and describe the image

2. Explain how the image shows the Inca’s contribution to civilization

Make sure to label each of your captions in your file that you send to your instructor. It should look like similar to this example.

Image #1 Social Contribution: (Your caption)
Image #2 Political Contribution: (Your caption)
Image #3 Religious Contribution: (Your caption)
Image #4 Intellectual Contribution: (Your caption)
Image #5 Technological Contribution: (Your caption)
Image #6 Economical Contribution: (Your caption)


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