07.04.2021 • 

(08.01 MC) Use the map of Eastern Bloc Area Border Changes (1938-1948) to answer the following question:

Map showing border changes in the Eastern Bloc from 1938 through 1948. The USSR is bordered on the west by annexed or expanded Soviet Socialist Republics, which are Estonian SSR, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, RFSFR, Byelorussian SSR, Ukrainian SSR, and Moldavian SSR. To the west of the annexed or expanded Soviet Socialist Republics are the satellite states, which include the Republic of Poland, Czechoslovak Republic, Republic of Hungary, Romanian People's Republic, People's Republic of Bulgaria, People's Republic of Albania, Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, East Germany. In between Eastern Germany and the Republic of Poland are new satellite state lands.
© 2012 Mosedschurte
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

From this map, you can tell that (1 point)

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A. the Treaty of Versailles restored territories to Germany

B. Poland lost territories after the Second World War

C. the Potsdam Conference resulted in increased territory for Germany

D. the Soviet Union gained most of Germany's territories that had been lost

(08.01 MC)

Use the map of Eastern Bloc Area Border Changes (1938-1948) to answer the following qu

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