11.08.2021 • 

1. What formatting techniques does Blumberg use to support her reader's understanding? 2. In the section, "Salem Struggling," what details does the author provide about how the town of Salem struggled preceding the Witch Trials? controversy also brewed over Reverend Samud arris, who became salem village's first ordained minister in 1489, an Was disliked because of his rigidways and greedy nature. The purita villagers believed all the quarreling was the work of the Devil. This age The existing rivalry between families with ties to the wealth of the port of saken Those who still defended on agriculture. 3. In the section, "Witch Hunt," what details does the author provide about Salem residents hunting witches? 4. In the section, "Restoring Good Names," what details does the author provide about how Salam recovered from the Witch Trials?​

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