22.02.2020 • 

1. Which factor helped George Washington in his first term as the first president of the United States?

A. He could legally abolish all national debt that existed before his election.

B. He made his advisers pledge not to argue about how the government should be run.

C. He had studied the policies of presidents in other democratic governments.

D. He was elected unanimously and had the universal respect of the country.

2.Which statement gives precedents George Washington set as first president of the United States?

A. He gave special treatment to old army friends and chose only Virginians as advisers.

B. He refused to serve more than two terms and promoted dignity in office.

C. He rarely asked for or heeded advice from his cabinet secretaries.

D. He dressed in purple robes and treated his advisers and the public as inferiors.

3.Which statement best describes the message of the Monroe Doctrine?

A. The United States was the most militarily advanced country on earth.

B. The United States would go to war with Britain to stop impressment.

C. The United States would not allow European nations to form new colonies in the Americas.

D. The United States would expand its territory wherever it wanted.

4. Which answer does not include states formed from territory gained in the Louisiana Purchase?

A. North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota

B. New York, Massachusetts, Vermont

C. Arkansas, Iowa, Oklahoma

D. Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska
5.Which statement about the U.S. Supreme Court is true?

A. constitutional amendment in 1800 gave the Supreme Court the power to review laws for constitutionality.

B. Under George Washington, the Supreme Court ruled that the Alien and Sedition Acts were constitutional.

C. The Supreme Court’s importance grew after its role in judicial review was established by John Marshall.

D. President John Adams directed the Supreme Court to review laws made by Congress for constitutionality.

6. Which option was not part of the debate over going to war with England in 1812?

A. Most Westerners and some Southerners wanted to go to war to gain land.

B. War Hawks said they could march into Canada and take Britain's territory.

C. New England shipbuilders wanted to go to war to save their businesses.

D. President James Madison tried to avoid war but was convinced by those who wanted it.

7. Which statement best describes a reason for choosing a site between Maryland and Virginia on the Potomac River for the nation's new capital?

A. Maryland and Virginia threatened to go to war if the capital was not located between them.

B. An amendment to the U.S. Constitution established that location as the site for the nation's capital.

C. George Washington thought a site in the middle of the country between North and South was appropriate.

D. The people living there voted to accept the nation's capital, while people in other areas did not want it.

8. Which group convinced President James Madison to go to war with England in 1812?

A. angry veterans of the Revolutionary War

B. land-hungry politicians from the West and South

C. radical members of the Federalist Party

D. wealthy shipbuilders from New England

9. Which phrase does not describe Benjamin Banneker?

A. son of a freed slave

B. surveyor of the nation's capital

C. mathematician, astronomer, and author

D. first black man to vote in the United States

10. Which statement is accurate about John Adams's presidency?

A. He chose to stay out of the war between England and France.

B. He was elected to two terms by a large majority from both parties.

C. He appointed Lewis and Clark to explore the West.

D. He vigorously opposed the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Plz answer part 2.

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