21.10.2020 • 

1. Who/what group in modern day America do the Native Americans in the cartoon 'sound like?

2. The Mayflower is the name of the boat that brought the first pilgrims to

North America. What is the current day Mayflower

3. What is the significance/importance of where the Native Americans

are standing in the cartoon

4. Think!! Which group in modern day America is the artist criticizing? If

you think he is criticizing the Native Americans then you believe he is

criticizing modern day Americans. If you think he is criticizing the

pilgrims on the Mayflower then you believe he is criticizing recent

immigrant to America,

5. Which modern day group do you think the artist is criticizing

6. Why do you think what you think in the answer to number 5 above?

Explain your thoughts.

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