04.05.2021 • 

1.You are working on a research project designed to determine what factors affect long-term memory in mice. Because mice and humans learn in much the same way, you hope the knowledge gained from your experiment can be used to help individuals with memory problems. The mice are well cared for and kept in cages in a pleasant, well-light room. At
the end of the experiment, the mice will be put to sleep by being placed in a jar filled with
poisonous gas. Do you think it is ethical to use animals in such an experiment? Would you feel differently if larger animals such as dogs were used instead of mice?

2.Pretend that your family has been selected to participate in a longitudinal study on parenting styles. Your family agrees to take part, but you do not want to participate. You're afraid of what the researchers might find out. You don't voice your objections, and today is the first day of the study. The researchers arrive and..."

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