18.03.2021 • 

4. Which of the following the BEST summarizes the except? From Cupid and Psyche (Excerpt from Myth) A. Psyche's sisters, who are jealous of her happiness, pressure her to go against her husband's wishes. When she does as they say, he rejects her.

B. Psyche, married to someone she has never seen, fears he may be either horrible to look at or a great danger to her. She finds out that he is Cupid, the god of love.

C. Psyche, married to a man who will not allow her to see him, is torn between love and doubt. When she discovers he is Cupid, god of love, he leaves Psyche because she did not trust him.

D. In the middle of the night, Psyche, who is a mortal woman, lights a lamp to see her husband, who has forbidden her to see him. Her sisters have urged her to look at him and be prepared to kill him.​

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